Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday's Adventures

Yesterday was a good day. I was looking forward to friends visiting, I anticipated their arrival all morning! I found myself pacing and watching the clock out of pure stir-craziness...It was just like Dr. Seuss's waiting game in the book "Oh, The Places You Will Go." Only instead of everyone waiting, it was just me...just waiting.

Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or waiting around for a Yes or No
or waiting for their hair to grow. (Seuss)
JULIE is just waiting.

It's not that they were late, I was just so excited and so trapped that I could not talk myself out of this waiting place.

Then,(dramatic pause) Vicky and Heather appeared, like angels (twinkling music)with a Jimmy Johns Un-wich (have you had one of these? They are very tasty and a lot less bad for you. It is any one of their sandwiches only instead of their tasty-white-no-nutrition-what-so-ever-french-bread, they make it as a giant lettuce wrap! I honestly do not get where they find this gargantuan lettuce, but it makes me feel better about my food choices). The girls also brought me over a very thoughtful and funny birthday present.
AND THEN, do you know what? I was pooped out!!! I was useless!!! I felt like such a DOPE!!! Here, they were working all morning and then they came to rescue me from myself and my loneliness and hunger AND I NEEDED A NAP!!! What the??? I do not understand myself right now. One minute I feel fine the next minute I am falling over with exhaustion, only I haven't done anything exhausting! I ate and accepted gifts, two things I am very good at and thought I had all the stamina in the world for!!!
So, I took some medicine and I took a nap and when I awoke another angel was at my door with pulled pork and cole slaw and watermelon and potato chips...A vision I tell you! It was Jeri and even though her daughter was on her way to the league meet to run an AMAZING mile in 5:39 she made time for my family! I am humbled and grateful and just plain full :) Thank you friends.
So after a quick scarfing, Charlie the chauffeur hauled me off to the league meet so I could witness the AMAZING MILE as well as many other AMAZING events.

*I would like to take this opportunity to report that the Oakview Girls are
the League Champions and the Oakview Boys are the Runners-Up (did I
pluralize that correctly)? ANYWAY, I am a very proud assistant coach :)

*It should also be noted that for the most part I stayed in my wheelchair
and in the shade and I almost made it to the end of the meet...

Yesterday was a good day. I continued to learn about myself and what may happen during my recovery process. My runners ran like the wind and impressed me to pieces (literally my left muscle/tendon connection was blown to bits). I was reminded what beautiful friends I have and what a caring community I live in. Tomorrow I will learn how to take it to the shower...all by myself. Let life's challenges keep coming! They might knock you down, but half the fun is the bragging rights you get when you get back up :) (that was not eloquent at all, but those are tonight's words of wisdom :)

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