Thursday, May 27, 2010

Worries, Doubts and Showers

The little worries are beginning to sneak into my head.
Worries like,
What am I going to do for a job this summer?
How will this impact our family camping trip? Can we still go?
How depressed will I get?
Will I be able to run again?
Will I ever be able to do arials and back handsprings again?
How will this effect my kids?

Blah, blah, blah

Lucky for me I am easily distracted by Facebook and phone calls and all is well for a few hours.

The order of events for today included a phone call from Vicky, being picked up by Suzy for a lovely lunch and lounge by the lake, pain medicine and nap, track practice, a fabulous dinner compliments of Jeri, more meds and night night time.

As often as I wonder about the worries I do reflect on the blessings. What if I didn't have all these great friends, what if I was the sole breadwinner, what if I didn't have three great kids who will get me water and drive me around? I know they come in the form of "what-if's" but it really makes me grateful and hopeful for a full and positive recovery.

OHHHHH, the new shower set up. Well, let me tell you!!! Thanks to Angela Weaver I have a fancy chair (btw, she broke her leg a year and a half ago and had to get pins put in and get the pins out and this and that and it was a mess, she's good now, but just starting to run again - healing is a looooong process). Well, um, I was somewhat frustrated, incredibly nervous and completely vulnerable. It was the first time I had taken the boot off all by myself. Take that into consideration, add water and soap and perhaps you can feel my anxiety. I was so afraid of a slip and rip, I felt nauseous. On the one hand I was so excited to get the magic marker that said "CUT HERE" off, plus the yellow betadine (sp)that resembled wild animal urine on my leg, as well as the cotton under wrap that was applied with a spray adhesive and used right after surgery for the cast (that was removed Monday). The removal of gunk and cleansing of crust trumped the anxiety, but the awkwardness of sitting in a not-to-big stand up shower while maneuvering the fragile foot and the water ... an awkward sight indeed. There was the lean and twist maneuver for hair washing, the one foot scoot while holding on to the seat handles to get a better water angle. There was some (a lot of) cussing as I seemed to drop everything I tried to pick up, which slipped and ricocheted to the inevitable under-the-seat location. There was the shaving of the gimpy leg, no major trauma here just no comfortable way around it. The good news is - I SURVIVED!!! And there was no falling or ripping of body parts. I do expect to improve on this technique!


  1. Hello. Just found your blog!!! I have been looking for a blog that follows a womans recovery from an achilles rupture for some time. I actually started a blog myself yesterday documenting my owm recovery. I look forward to reading through your posts. I am thirty seven, a mom of four boys and trying very hard not to let this injury get me down. My rupture happen late June of this year...I am almost three weeks post op and moving around like crazy. My biggest concern has been staying in shape through it all...what types of workouts are you or have you been able to do to stay in shape and strong?? Wishing you well!!

  2. Hi Tania!

    I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go thru' this too :( I turned 36 the day after my surgery in May. I have three kids (2 boys and a girl 16, 14, 9). I didn't really ever stop moving either, I just moved with a lot of pain and frustration (crutches ugh)!!!

    I go to a CrossFit Gym and they have been wonderful about accommodating workouts for me! I feel very lucky to have a CrossFit Family. Here's the one I go to:
    Where do you live? There may be a "box" by you. (that's what they call the gym because they are usually just a little "box" in an industrial complex).

    Please send me your link! I'd love to read up and commiserate!

    The more I read other peoples experiences the more I realize how different the many doctors are with their protocols.

    Thanks for writing! I look forward to chatting more:) (I'm posting a new one tomorrow after my doctors appt).
    See ya,
    P.S. I curious to know what you were doing when you tore?!?!?
