Friday, October 11, 2013

Adventures in Healing Begin… Again

Ok, so I wanted to be super serious, dedicated and consistent on writing this blog this time around… But there's something funny about having all the time in the world on your hands… It seems the more time I have the less I get accomplished… You feel me??? 

I know I've read studies and articles on human nature and how we work within the time frame which we place on ourselves… With a quick Google search, Wikipedia reminds me it's called Parkinison's Law - "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."

At the moment I feel like I have an eternity to read, write and watch netflix. I am ashamed to say that Netflix is winning… SMH :(  Please don't judge… At least you can't see me sitting here in 3 day old pajamas surrounded by candy wrappers and fruit flies… Not gonna lie, it's not always pretty.

I've been struggling to figure out what to write about… I'm mean I've done it before…ruptured my Achilles that is. You ALL have done something like it before… You get broken, it hurts, people are nice to you, you heal, you strengthen and you go back on your way… Ain't no thing… we all gotta do it sometime…

Ok, so maybe Achille's surgery is a little bigger than say a sprained ankle or even a broken arm, but it's no cancer, it's not life threatening… UNLESS of course you live here and you have no compassion for people outside of yourself (I may have visions of poking someone in the eye with my CRUTCH)… 

yes that is a dig at my soon to be ex husband.  I love him dearly and I wish him well on his personal journey, but I am not impressed with him as a compassionate human being at the moment. It could be the pain talking… but it's not.

I'm pretty sure I went through this the last time around… Trying to justify and balance just the right amount of self-pity with the drive and fortitude needed to not only heal, but to come back a stronger, smarter, better person than before.  

I'm a work in progress.  A Sicilian Hippie my mother dubbed me once… Peace, Love and FU!! I'd like to believe there's some sort of yin-yang going on there…. You tell me… or better yet… don't.

I am two weeks post op.  Today I got the cast removed and was put into an adjustable boot. 

I'm on a 4 day regimen of adjusting the angle on the boot.  Every 4th day for the next month I will be adjusting the boot by 10 degrees until my ankle reaches a 90 degree angle with my tib/fib. 

This is different from last time where I had weekly visits with my doc and he checked on me and did the adjustments… I have much more power this way!!! Also, I don't have to try to secure as many chauffeurs… Doc says, "No Driving."

I have every intention to post soon with some adventures of the boot/cast.  That was a fun and helpful part of the journey three years ago… we'll see if it has the same joy this time around :)

Here are some of the first couple of adventures:

Ice cream and baby cows :)

Starbucks, Target and Ellie

An ER adventure in the middle of the night

Yummy meals made with garlic, basil and love

Chivalrous Jacob :)

And of course keeping the foot elevated!!!   
Peace out friends!!!

Love, Julie 


  1. I'm following you on this second journey of yours after I ruptured my right Achilles Sept 26. I too have days where I feel strong and days where I cry from sheer frustration. Not fun as an independent woman who doesn't like to ask for help ! Please keep posting so I can follow along. I'm still in a cast till Oct 21, then my boot story begins ...

    1. Hang in there sweet girl!!! There will be LOTS of ups and downs, but the adventure will teach you a lot INCLUDING how to ask for help once in a while ;)
