Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Anniversary PR

Well what do you know, I haven't blogged in months and months and now the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of my ATR is here. Since August 2010 and my 4minute and 58 second 400m adventure, there has been a complete return to normalcy. Life is busy and I guess once I got back on my feet (ba dah dum) there was no time to report progress...well, I know that's just an excuse for not making time :)

Since my last post I was able to accomplish my goal of "running" a 5K in November which was my 6 month anniversary. After that I ran a New Years Resolution run and improved my time and actually ran the entire event :) I have been fortunate enough to compete in a CrossFit Games competition and although I cannot keep up with the big dogs, I still felt proud of being in the mix with such great people and athletes.

So, here's the deal...Today marks the one year anniversary (on the track calendar) of the Julie Maurer 2010 Achilles Tendon Rupture and as a gift to myself I vowed to run - I mean really run- the 400m dash. The 400m goal was set back when I first started walking again on my own. Once I lost the crutches I found myself on the track just to get steps on the pedometer. As of last August one lap around the track would take five minutes of my life!!! At the time it was O.K., because my walking skills were still in there infancy, but today I am running and jumping and pretending that I am NOT turning 37 on Monday!!! And today I RAN the 400m. I mean I really ran it!!! Although, around the 300m mark I felt like a ton of bricks going up hill with the parking break on, I still finished it in a time of.................. drum roll please..............1 minute 13 seconds!!! O.K. it's not stellar, it's no 44 second world record, but IT IS MY PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So there we have it, one year in and I am better than new. Now it's time to improve that PR!!!

Hang in there to all my ATR com-padres... there is hope for the future!!! And THANK YOU TO ALL MY FRIENDS THAT FED ME AND ENCOURAGED ME ALONG THE WAY :)

Set your goals! And Good Luck!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU :)


  1. Great inspiring blog .. great stories
    I am 2 months post op and your experience and recovery gave me hope. Thanks

  2. Hi, Thanks for sharing your story. Great progress and usefull for us. Thanks.
